

I can't wait for the next couple of weeks to be over.  
We'll be spending this lovely day, closed up indoors working on really boring stuff while the rest of the world will be enjoying their weekend. 

I really dislike this time of the year, only the prospect of the next couple of months gives me some releave.
I guess this is when I start thinking about all the projects, and outings I want to do this summer, but in reality, most of them are just to entertain my mind with something because half is to ambicious or ludacris for me to do!
The clocks seem to work twice as slow and I become very short tempered. So not only is a bad time for me, it's also for everyone around me. ahah!

Anyway, enouph with the complaining.
These are some photos of Carla from the last post. Her lovely sweater is from Zara, and the shoes from Blanco.

5 comentários:

Joana Vilaça disse...

Que fotos maravilhosas :) Gosto tanto das cores! Adorei o look, os oxfords são lindos *


Jianine ☺ disse...

I know exactly what you mean, lovely post, and pictures! xx

Ana Rita Patinha disse...

como eu adoro sempre as vossas fotos, conseguem sempre descobrir locais magníficos para fotografar!
Boa sorte com os estudos, por aqui estou na mesma situação...

Se quiseres participa no meu giveaway: http://valium-and-cherrywine.blogspot.pt/2012/06/summer-pack-give-away.html

Isa Machado disse...

Adorei o look, os sapatinhos então, maravilhosos!

O lugar onde fotografaram é lindo também, com cores que fazem as fotos brilhar ainda mais!

Kiss Kiss^^


Ester R. disse...

Adorei o look, as fotografias, a luz. Ficou super bonito. Já sigo. :)

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